Showcase 3


Life Sciences Industries

Business Type
Clinical Research Organization as part of a holding; operating in 3 divisions (discovery, research & development, supply trading)

Organization Development after Multiple Acquisitions with the Objective of Integration & Alignment

worldwide (lots of travel but remotely)

Time Frame
10 months


Short Description
Facing typical post-merger challenges and taking extraordinary measures to secure its financial viability, the company retained services of the Interim Manager to lay the foundation for a truly integrated and global company in these crucial early days of a new formation, to develop, implement key strategies, to reinforce its new executive team. Acting as the COO, a group comprising of 11 globally acting operational departments and complementing functions was coordinated to scope and approve remediation plans for improving all aspects of the alignment process, including coordination of complimentary professional services.

Clarity achieved and essential steps planned, function heads had taken over responsibilities, management board had metrics plans available to ensure they were aware of how implementations were progressing towards a sustaining organization.

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